Friday, February 23, 2007

The Stars of this show!

Welcome to the Traveler's All Stars!

Starring with:

La Legione di Resistenza!
Known for traveling whenever he feels the urge, without any worry of what others may suggest or think. Along many of his journeys, he met great people who encourage this vagabond to continue to pursue adventures and travels.

Attila! A young man who (in some people´s opinion) is beyond what a college education can offer. This world traveler provides more to anyone is willing to give him a chance. One can learn to think, read, write, and take a few moments from one´s ordinary life by exploring this world, which is not television or any comforts known as Home!



A young man from Providence, Rhode Island. He speaks with confidence, he´s straight-up and in short, he basically doesn´t give a fuck what you think of him........and he is serious! He doesn´t consider himself a playboy, according to him "hey! I just know how to play" To learn more about him, check him out at: Julian´s myspace page!

Sam left for South America about 4 months ago. His goal was to find a job teaching english. Before landing a job, Sam traveled aroud Ecquador for several months as well as the northern part of Peru. Sam usually handles difficult situations with a smile and some kind gestures as a way to to ease the tension. Though, Sam was only able to travel with us for a short time. It was good seeing him.

A revolution! I say
Though, Nate was not able to be a part of this journey, he is here in spirit. He nevertheless, still offers some advice as well as keeping in touch with some members of this group. Nate is still a star!